
Why does my 8-year-old child still frequently wet the bed and have accidents? Although he occasionally asks to go to the bathroom, he still often has accidents during the day. We have taken him to several doctors and given him some medication, but there has been no improvement. I am really worried, what should we do? In the past, we have taken him for X-rays, ultrasounds, and urine tests, only to find a possibility of a spinal defect.


Suggested approaches include: one, go to bed early, drink less water before bedtime, and avoid over-excitement that leads to deep sleep; two, set an alarm to wake the child up to use the bathroom during sleep, helping to form a conditioned reflex; three, remind the child to use the bathroom during playtime intervals, with parents leading by example to cultivate the habit of regular bathroom visits. I hope these methods can help the child overcome bedwetting and accidents, wishing him a healthy and happy growth.