
My child, who is 4.5 years old, has been coughing since March 8th. The doctor prescribed ceftriaxone and azithromycin, and there was some improvement after a few days, but it soon relapse. The cough subsided again after taking anti-inflammatory medication, but it recurred shortly thereafter. This situation has happened repeatedly. The child’s mental state is good, and their diet is normal, but the cough persists. Is it okay to give the child hydrochloride doxylazine granules? How many should be taken daily, and for how many days is it appropriate?


The 4.5-year-old child has been experiencing recurrent coughing episodes. It is recommended to give the child pediatric lung-clearing granules and pay attention to keeping their back warm, avoiding severe exercise and excessive sugar intake. Anti-inflammatory medications can include azithromycin, but they should not be overused.