
The baby is 21 days old and was switched directly from Yili formula milk to Yashili formula milk without going through a transition process, resulting in diarrhea for three consecutive days. Despite using Montmorillonite powder and Golden Bifidus, the situation has not improved, with the baby having diarrhea up to 10-15 times a day and appearing quite uncomfortable. The baby had diarrhea for a few days after birth due to breastfeeding and improved after taking Montmorillonite powder and probiotics, but now can only be fed with formula milk. Asking for solutions to the diarrhea, whether it is necessary to switch back to the original formula milk?


Based on the described situation, the baby’s diarrhea may be related to the switch to the new formula milk. It could be due to the higher protein content in the new formula, which the baby’s gastrointestinal system cannot fully digest and absorb. The primary task at hand is to switch to a suitable formula milk and use digestive aids such as probiotics. It is recommended to change the formula milk and supplement with digestive medication for treatment.