
How do I treat my 6-year-old’s cough? The symptoms include coughing, dry heaves, slight nasal congestion, and mucus. Medications such as pediatric lung-clearing syrup and ceftriaxone have been used, but there were side effects like diarrhea and sputum. The cough and vomiting continued after stopping the medication.


  1. Elevate the baby’s head at night.
  2. Drinking warm beverages can make the baby’s phlegm thinner. It’s best to give the baby warm water or warm milk or rice porridge, and fresh juices like apple juice and pear juice can also be given; citrus juices should be avoided.
  3. Use the steam inhalation method to clear the lungs. Let the baby breathe in steam or sit in a steam-filled bathroom for 5 minutes to help remove lung mucus and relieve coughing.