I’ve been coughing for several days and have a slightly high fever. Could it be H7N9? I’m currently pregnant. Previous treatment and effectiveness: Not paying much attention. Help needed: Clarification and reassurance to ease concerns.
Generally, if you haven’t come into contact with poultry, you won’t contract avian influenza. Most cases of avian influenza are characterized by a persistent low-grade fever and lung infection. If you’re pregnant and have a fever, it’s best not to take medication unless it’s severe. In such cases, you can use fresh bamboo sap to clear your lungs. Drink plenty of water and consume some honey and pear juice to help clear your lungs; it’s also effective. Avoid spicy and irritating food, ensure adequate rest, and be careful not to catch a cold. These are my suggestions for the question ‘I’ve had a slight high fever and cough for 4 days.’ I hope this helps you, and wish you good health!