
The baby is 14 months old and has been coughing with phlegm for ten days. Home treatment with cefixime and lung-cleaning medicine has not shown improvement. After three days of treatment at the local health center, there has been no improvement. Now, after one day of taking ambroxol oral solution, there is still no significant improvement. The parents are at a loss as to how to handle the situation.


Considering that the baby may have pneumonia, especially during the winter and spring seasons or when the weather is changeable, pneumonia is one of the common diseases in infants. Symptoms include fever, cough, rapid breathing, and shortness of breath. In severe cases, it may be accompanied by symptoms such as loss of appetite and vomiting, even posing a risk to life. It is recommended to take the baby to the hospital for a detailed examination immediately. After diagnosis, anti-inflammatory and lung-cleaning treatments should be administered, and adequate hydration should be ensured.