
Why does my baby refuse to drink milk from the bottle? Every time I try to feed formula milk with a bottle, the baby cries and resists. I’ve tried using a larger nipple, but the baby still won’t drink. I want to know what the cause is and what I should do. Is it because the milk temperature is too high? If it’s too hot, the child might be scared of burning, which would naturally make them not want to drink! Besides, the baby has been breastfed since birth, so I’m advised to focus on breastfeeding. If we’ve already started artificial feeding, then we need to carefully observe whether the baby is being overfed, leading to poor absorption, or if the position during diaper changing is incorrect. Additionally, it is not recommended to switch to a larger nipple as the baby is still too young. The speed of changing diapers should also not be too fast.


Babies may refuse to drink milk from bottles due to reasons such as an unsuitable nipple size, overly high milk temperature, overfeeding, or improper positions during diaper changing. If the baby has been breastfed since birth, it is recommended to focus on breastfeeding. If artificial feeding has already begun, then it’s important to monitor the baby’s dietary intake and absorption, ensuring correct positioning during diaper changes to avoid disrupting the baby’s feeding habits. Furthermore, the nipple size should be age-appropriate; either too large or too small can affect the baby’s feeding experience. As for milk temperature, it’s suggested to adjust it to a suitable level to prevent scalding the baby.