
Suddenly, my baby had diarrhea 20 times a day. When we went to the hospital, the white blood cell count was as high as 19,000. After five days of intravenous fluid therapy, the count dropped to 15,000, but the baby still had diarrhea 20 times a day. During the five days of intravenous fluid therapy, the baby only had a high fever once. The doctor said to wait for the white blood cell count to drop before stopping the diarrhea. I thought it wasn’t right to keep on like this, so I changed hospitals and had another two days of intravenous fluid therapy. The diarrhea stopped after another three days of fluids. Four days later, the baby started having a high fever of 39.2°C, coming and going every other day. When we went to the hospital again, the white blood cell count was still at 15,000. The doctor advised me to continue with the intravenous fluids, but I felt there was little effect. So I changed the baby’s treatment to Chinese medicine. The doctor prescribed three days of Chinese medicine, but after two days of taking it, the baby still had a high fever. What’s going on?
