
How to treat a baby who doesn’t want to eat and sleeps a lot? After the fever has subsided, the baby is listless and doesn’t want to drink milk or sleep. How long has the fever lasted? What were the previous treatment situations and effects: IV drip and taking medicine. What kind of help is needed: What’s going on and how should it be treated?


Every baby will have an unexplained high fever within their first week of life, but there’s no need to rush to the hospital. Generally, the fever lasts for three days, followed by three days of rashes, and then three days of rashes disappearing. If you do go to the hospital, the doctor will only prescribe medication and administer intravenous drips, which can actually cause the rashes to reappear. There’s no specific treatment for pediatric emergencies, but you should pay attention to reducing the child’s fever. You can give the child a warm water bath or use warm water to wipe their body. The complete recovery from this condition is quick, and the child will return to normal soon after the rash disappears.