
An 18-year-old girl asks if she still has the opportunity to grow taller. She mentions that she started menstruating at one year old and has not grown much since junior high. Her parents are about 170 cm tall, while her younger brother was already 178 cm tall at 15, but she herself is only 154 cm. She inquires if there are other ways to grow taller besides taking calcium tablets, drinking milk, jumping rope, and going to bed early. She also expresses her feelings of inferiority.


Generally speaking, the chances of an 18-year-old girl growing taller are slim, and it is recommended to undergo a bone age check. If the growth plates have closed, there is almost no chance of further growth. Taking calcium supplements, drinking milk, and exercising will not directly lead to an increase in height. If the growth plates have not closed, injections of growth hormone may be effective in promoting growth. These are the suggestions for the question “Can a 18-Year-Old Girl Still Grow Taller?” I hope this helps you, and wish you good health!