
My child is 5 years old and still wets the bed. Is this a disease? He has a temper and an extroverted personality, and his lymph nodes are swollen. Was the pediatric intelligence syrup effective in the past? What kind of help are we looking for? Is the pediatric intelligence syrup effective?


Inability to control urination during the day or waking up from a nap to urinate after 8 years of age is known as enuresis. The following factors may be related: hereditary factors, deep sleep, delayed maturation of bladder function, mental tension, disease factors, and asymptomatic bacterial urinary tract infection and hypercalcemia may also trigger enuresis. For treatment, reduce fluid intake before bedtime, encourage regular urination, and help build their confidence. Understand the approximate time your child wets the bed and wake them up before it happens. If these methods are ineffective, various medications should be used for treatment under a doctor’s guidance.