
My baby is 40 days old and has been frequently spitting up since the postpartum period. We’ve been mixing breast milk and formula, but now it’s mostly formula. She often spits up dry milk, sometimes even after eating for 2-3 hours, and the vomit can be chunks or a sticky, mucousy substance. I feed her 110 milliliters of formula, but sometimes she seems hungry, and I’m afraid to feed her more because I worry about her getting too full. If she seems hungry again, I feed her, and then she vomits uncontrollably. What should I do? I’ve been giving her probiotics, and she often makes gurgling sounds in her stomach and passes gas, sometimes with a bad odor. Also, what symptoms would indicate that she’s been overfed?


Spitting up or vomiting in babies is a normal occurrence, but it’s important to monitor the amount and method of feeding. It’s recommended to feed your baby in small portions and allow them to eat frequently rather than in large amounts. After feeding, avoid turning your baby upside down immediately. If your baby shows signs of gas or digestive discomfort, consider using probiotics. If the vomiting is frequent or accompanied by other symptoms of discomfort, it’s advisable to consult a doctor.