
My baby is 7 months old, and their hair is darker on top and lighter on the bottom. Could this be caused by a calcium deficiency? The baby weighs 28 pounds, has a good appetite, but often cries at night, has poor sleep quality, and their hair is slightly yellowish, with frequent bowel movements. They have never received any treatment. I would like to know if treatment is needed and how it should be done.


Raising the hair is not a problem; this is not a disease. If the hair appears yellowish, it is suggested to conduct a trace element test to understand if there is a zinc or iron deficiency. The quality of a baby’s hair is related to nutrition and also to heredity. Hair begins to grow during the third month of embryonic development. Hair is a type of accessory organ of the skin, like blood and other tissues, and it undergoes continuous metabolism. You can consult with a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for dialectical treatment. There is no need for a special recommendation for shampoo choice. The above suggestions are for the question ‘Could the uneven hair color at the top and bottom of a 7-month-old baby be caused by a calcium deficiency?’ I hope this helps you, and wish your baby health!