
Can a seven-month-old baby eat cordyceps? The baby often has a fever and coughs, which quickly turns into bronchitis. There’s always phlegm, and the baby’s immune system is weak. Previous treatment situations and effects: There’s phlegm again after a while, and I’m concerned about how to help. Hi, can the baby eat cordyceps or is there anything else suitable? Directly giving it to the child might not be understood, and also because it’s easy to waste it, it’s better to make changes in diet.


It is suggested that the child’s immunity comes from breast milk, and other factors come from daily living habits. Gradually provide complementary foods to increase the child’s own immunity, and wish for good health. The above is a suggestion for the question “Can a seven-month-old baby eat cordyceps?” and it is hoped that it will be helpful to you. Wishing you good health!