
My father suddenly developed a fever three days ago, with the highest temperature reaching 38.7 degrees Celsius, accompanied by body aches. The fever occurred intermittently; it subsided in the morning yesterday but recurred in the afternoon and evening. Additionally, the patient has not shown any other flu symptoms such as coughing. The patient has taken antiviral medication and symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication, and has been sweating excessively at night. The temperature this morning did not exceed 37.3 degrees Celsius. Could this intermittent fever be due to H7N9 virus infection? Previous Treatment and Effectiveness: The patient has taken antiviral medication and symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. Needed Assistance: Hello, could this intermittent fever be a sign of H7N9 virus infection? H7N9 virus infections typically present with flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, and little sputum, and may also include headache, muscle pain, and general discomfort. However, the patient has not shown any other flu symptoms such as cough; they mainly experience body aches, which might be due to a general viral infection. It is recommended to continue taking antiviral medication, and if symptoms do not improve, it is suggested to visit the hospital for a check-up and to pay attention to staying warm. Additionally, it is recommended to exercise more regularly to enhance physical fitness.