
At 6 months old, the baby had a lot of eye boogers when going to bed in the morning, and the stool was normal. By 9 am, the stool had a runny and frothy texture. The baby had diarrhea three to four times a day, with a bubbling sound and vomiting. The baby breastfeeds normally and is not fussy. Previous treatment and effects: took probiotics and cefradine granules with ribavirin granules. How can I help? What should I do for the child?


Based on your description, I suspect that the baby is experiencing acute enteritis accompanied by indigestion, which is often related to factors such as catching a cold or overeating. Guidance: It is suggested that repeated nausea and vomiting can lead to dehydration, so it is necessary to use intravenous medication in such cases. According to the degree of dehydration in pediatric diarrhea, fluid replacement should be implemented, and electrolytes should be rechecked and monitored for digestion. I hope my explanation is helpful to you, and wish for your child’s early recovery.