
The baby is 2 years and 4 months old and has a severe picky eating problem. The baby has been tested for trace elements and found to be severely zinc-deficient, and is currently taking a multivitamin iron supplement. Recently, the baby has a fever and even less appetite, and the parents are worried that it might be caused by eating too much steak. They hope to receive assistance.


Firstly, it is recommended to thoroughly check if the baby truly has zinc deficiency and digestive problems. You can try giving the baby oral glycine zinc andJianpi San oral liquid to see if it helps. To encourage the baby to eat well, it is also important to adopt appropriate feeding methods. Some children may develop symptoms of anorexia due to overindulgence by parents or a lack of understanding of proper feeding methods. Parents should avoid using toys to distract the baby during meals or allowing the baby to play while eating, as this may affect appetite.