What alcohol should be used for neonatal navel disinfection?
Generally, within 24 hours after birth, the rewrapped gauze should be quickly opened and not rewrapped to promote the drying and shedding of the umbilical cord stump. When removing the umbilical cord, wash your hands clean, pinch the cord, gently pull it up, and use a 75% sterilizing alcohol swab to disinfect around the base of the umbilical cord, wiping away all secretions and bloodstains. This should be done 1 to 2 times a day to keep the base clean. At the same time, it is important to change diapers frequently to prevent industrial pollution from urine and stool from contaminating the navel. If there is purulent discharge at the base of the umbilical cord and the area becomes red, indicating a recurrence of umbilical inflammation, hospital treatment should be sought. It is also important to note that before the umbilical cord falls off, one should not take a bath or let water come into contact with the umbilical cord. Iodophor can also be used.