
My son is 6 years old. This week, he has been experiencing some pain in his ear, along with a lot of yellow earwax. He also seems to have little appetite and feels weak. How should I treat his middle ear infection with earwax and purulent discharge?


In terms of treatment, it is generally recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and administer anti-inflammatory medication to the child. If the condition is severe, regional treatments such as anti-inflammatory ear drops can be considered. If the child experiences severe pain in the ear, painkillers may be considered. If accompanied by a high fever, antipyretic medication should be used as appropriate. In serious cases, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Middle ear infections have a tendency to recur, and if there is a perforation in the eardrum, immediate medical attention should be sought. During this period, it is important to allow the child to rest adequately and consume plenty of fruits and vegetables.