
Today, I noticed that the breath I exhale from my mouth and nose feels warmer than usual. I don’t have a high fever. This morning, I ate an ice cream on an empty stomach, and by the afternoon, I had a bit of diarrhea, just once, not much. With the severity of bird flu these days, it’s quite concerning. Previous treatment and outcomes: Not paying much attention. Assistance needed: What could this be?


This situation is likely due to acute enteritis caused by improper diet. After a detailed examination to confirm the diagnosis, active treatment should be pursued. In daily life, one should eat properly, rest adequately, protect the abdomen from cold, prevent dampness, and avoid spicy, fatty, and cold foods. If there is nausea and vomiting, medications like Montmorillonite powder, tannic acid protein, and benzylpiperazine can be used for relief. Generally, most cases can improve with proper treatment.