
The baby refuses to breastfeed, with a thick, white tongue coating, barely eats during the day, and at most consumes 60 milliliters at night. The baby’s mental state is relatively good. Attempts to use the Xingpi Yanger granules have been ineffective. At birth, the baby was 47 centimeters tall and weighed 5 pounds. At two and a half months, the baby was 55 centimeters tall and weighed 9.5 pounds, with height and weight not meeting the standard. Urgently ask how to handle this situation?


There could be several reasons why a baby refuses to breastfeed, including distractions from curiosity, aversion to familiarity, an uncomfortable environment, or a slowdown in growth rate. This usually occurs around four to six months old, sometimes as early as March. It’s essential to determine why the baby is not eating, as the reasons can be numerous. The main factors include: 1. Curiosity: Babies are easily distracted by surrounding objects and may find it difficult to focus on feeding. 2. Aversion to Familiarity: They may get tired of the same milk and want to try other foods. 3. Uncomfortable Environment: Too many clothes, a too warm room, or feeling scolded can make the baby uncomfortable. 4. Slowing Growth Rate: The demand for nutrition and calories may not be as high as during the newborn period.