
The two-month-old baby is unsure if they are deficient in calcium, and after a brief consultation with a pediatrician at the children’s hospital, the doctor prescribed a Compound calcium carbonate powderd.However, the baby refuses to take it. Is it okay to mix it with goat milk powder for consumption? Thank you.


At two months old, it is recommended to take the baby outdoors more often, as sunlight helps with calcium absorption. In terms of diet, ensure a balanced nutrition intake, including foods rich in protein such as meat. If the baby has symptoms of calcium deficiency like excessive sweating or bald spots on the pillow, consider using calcium gluconate or tricalcium supplements. For a baby who is unwilling to take Compound calcium carbonate powder, you can try mixing it with goat milk powder, but it is uncertain whether the baby will accept this method. Additionally, cod liver oil can also be used as a supplement, and patience is required when getting the baby to consume it. In terms of complementary foods, attention should be given to food diversity to ensure the baby receives comprehensive nutrition.