
My child is six months old and had autumn diarrhea at three and a half months. Since recovery, they have been prone to diarrhea. They have taken infant formula and diarrhea stoppers, but symptoms recurred shortly after stopping the medication. The child seems to lack a tongue coating, urine is not yellow, and a stool test revealed fat particles, suggesting dyspepsia. During diarrhea, the stool is both loose and thick. Experts, what could be the cause of this, and how should it be managed?


Herbal Medicine: Take 10-15g of Astragalus, 50g of carrot, and 200ml of water. Boil the mixture until 100ml remains, then take it in three divided doses over 3-5 days. Western Medicine: Interferon 1.5x10^4 μg by intramuscular injection, once daily. Medication Guide: Astragalus can detoxify, promote antibody synthesis, enhance immunity, and induce the production of interferon within the body. Interferon inhibits the function or degrades mRNA by acting on human healthy tissue cells, preventing the virus from replicating within host cells. Carrot can restore normal gut flora and maintain normal gastrointestinal physiological function. The three drugs have synergistic effects, can reduce the dosage of expensive interferon, and have no side effects.