
What’s causing the baby’s cough around 3 months old?


The baby will be 3 months old in two days. For the past two and a half months, there have been episodes of dry coughing. After treatment at the hospital, the cough returned after about a week. Sometimes the cough is accompanied by nausea, and the baby frequently scratches the scalp, face, and nose. The baby also likes to kick at adults’ bellies. Sleep is restless, curled up, not knowing what’s going on? Why does it keep recurring? After diagnosis by the doctor, the baby is suffering from bronchitis and is advised to undergo further chest X-ray or perspective check (scintigraphy) examination. Treatment can include azithromycin or cefixime capsules. In severe cases, intravenous antibiotic treatment may be necessary. For thick phlegm, Mucosolvan or Compound Liquorice Oral Solution can be taken. Increase fluid intake with plain water. Alternatively, nebulizer inhalation therapy can be combined.