
My child is 3 years old and has been attending kindergarten. Since birth, they have woken up several times during the night. Lately, they have been talking in their sleep at night, mainly about everyday matters like “Don’t move my toys.” We have tested for trace elements and there are no issues, we have tried Chinese medicine, and we’ve made sure they don’t play excitedly before bed, but the situation has not improved. The child loves to play and builds blocks or reads a book every night before going to sleep. What should I do?


From a physiological perspective, dreams and sleep are closely connected. Dreamtalking is caused by the activity of neural cells in the brain that govern language during sleep. Some movements during dreaming are due to the activity of neural cells that govern motor functions. Generally, slight movements and speech during a baby’s sleep are normal. Extensive research and evidence have shown that sleep and dreaming are closely related to brain maturation and the development of psychological functions, and they are beneficial. Therefore, there is no need to worry about a baby’s dreaming. However, it should be noted that some babies may experience phenomena such as screaming or nightwalking during dreams, which is mainly due to