
Lately, my child’s right thumb nail has naturally fallen out and grown back a new one, but it didn’t take long for the nail on the left hand to fall out as well. It feels like the child is teething, but during this period, the child did not feel any pain or discomfort. Now, even the toenails are starting to fall out.


Your situation may be caused by a calcium deficiency. It is recommended to supplement calcium in two ways: one is by taking calcium tablets, and the other is through daily diet. The most common and traditional calcium-rich foods are dairy products, which are not only rich in calcium but also easy to absorb. Moreover, dairy products are also rich in minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin D, which helps promote the absorption and utilization of calcium. Yogurt is also a very good calcium-rich food; it not only supplements calcium but also contains probiotics that can regulate gastrointestinal function, suitable for all kinds of people. For those who do not like milk or are intolerant to milk, it is recommended to consume more alternative foods such as oysters, seaweed, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, turnips, carrots, kale, and bok choy.