
What are the causes of pediatric jaundice?


General Treatment: If there are high-risk factors for bilirubin encephalopathy, symptomatic treatment should be provided. Enzyme Inducers: Phenobarbital 5mg/kg, taken orally in three divided doses. Inhibition of Hemolysis Process: High-dose gamma globulin; generally used in the early stages of severe hemolytic anemia, administered at a dose of 1g/kg intravenously over 4-6 hours. Reduction of Free Unconjugated Bilirubin: Albumin; generally used for severe hyperbilirubinemia within the first week after birth, administered at a dose of 1g/kg with 10-20ml of glucose solution intravenously; also, plasma 25ml per dose can be administered intravenously, once or twice daily. A single dose of albumin should be administered 1-2 hours before blood exchange.