
My child passed the right ear hearing screening on the fourth day after birth, but the left ear did not pass. At the 42-day follow-up, both ears failed the screening. The results of the examination at the Beijing Children’s Research Institute at 46 days were: both ears showed no TEOAE across all frequencies, and DPOAE was only elicited at 0.75 and 1.0 kHz, with no elicitation at other frequencies. Is it very likely that my child has congenital deafness?


Hello, based on the test results you provided, your child has failed the hearing screening three times, which is typically considered a sign of congenital deafness. Congenital deafness may be caused by abnormalities during pregnancy, childbirth, or genetic factors, and is mostly sensorineural hearing loss. It is recommended that you bring your child to a specialist for a consultation as soon as possible to receive treatment under a doctor’s guidance. In daily life, be cautious to prevent fire syndrome (upward inflammation), and hope your child can recover quickly.