
How should medication be administered for a child’s fever?


Generally, when a child has a fever and the body temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, it’s advisable to rest appropriately, keep warm, and drink plenty of water to help the body cool down naturally. If the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, it is recommended to use fever-reducing medication under a doctor’s guidance, such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen. In addition, physical cooling methods can be employed, such as using a damp cloth on the forehead or reducing clothing to allow the body temperature to dissipate naturally. For respiratory system issues, if the child is diagnosed with a respiratory system disease, parents should cooperate with the doctor’s treatment and follow the doctor’s advice for related care. For example, it may be necessary to perform gastrointestinal decompression to alleviate discomfort and develop good hygiene habits to prevent infection. Furthermore, parents should pay attention to their child’s balanced diet, avoiding picky eating and ensuring that the child receives adequate nutrition.