
Dear Baby, she’s only 5 years old, and in recent days, the child told me that their ear was a bit painful. I found that the earwax was purulent and a bit yellow, and the ear was buzzing. Additionally, there’s a slight fever. How should I treat pediatric otitis media with purulent earwax effectively?


Currently, in clinical treatment of pediatric otitis media, antibiotics are mainly used for treatment. The use of symptomatic medication according to the child’s symptoms is effective. In addition, regional treatment can be carried out, such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops for the child. If the ear pain is severe, some painkillers can be appropriately administered. If the child has a severe fever, a small amount of antipyretic medicine can be used. If the symptoms are severe, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If patients experience severe symptoms such as perforation of the eardrum, timely hospital treatment and surgery are required. Parents should also pay attention to protecting their children to prevent otitis media from recurring.