My 3-year-old daughter just started kindergarten, and this week, she said her ears were itchy and painful. Additionally, there is yellow earwax coming out, and she also has a low-grade fever. How should I treat my child’s otitis media with purulent earwax?
Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are the current methods and medications for treating pediatric otitis media. Parents can choose according to the symptoms. Parents can use regional treatment with anti-inflammatory ear drops for their child, such as painkillers to relieve symptoms if the child’s ear pain and yellow discharge are severe. If the child has a fever, they can take antipyretic medications. In severe cases, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Otitis media is characterized by recurrent attacks. If there is a situation of tympanic membrane perforation, it is necessary to seek medical treatment promptly. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure that the child gets plenty of nutrition, with a diet mainly consisting of light foods, and to ensure adequate rest and avoid fatigue.