
Dear parents, my daughter is 6 years old, and for the past week, she has been constantly tugging at her ear and complaining of itching. I noticed that her earwax is a bit thick and yellowish. Additionally, she has been experiencing a low-grade fever. How can we effectively treat otitis media with purulent earwax in children?


The treatment of pediatric otitis media can involve using symptomatic medications based on the child’s symptoms. Regional drug treatment can be considered, and you can opt for anti-inflammatory ear drops if the child has prominent earache symptoms. For children with a high fever, antipyretic medication should be used judiciously. In severe cases, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If your child has an eardrum perforation, immediate hospitalization and surgical treatment are required. At the same time, it is also important to arrange a reasonable diet and lifestyle for the child to help the disease recover as soon as possible.