
My daughter is three years old, and she says her throat hurts, along with a slight cough and low-grade fever. What should I pay attention to when treating her tonsillitis?


When children have tonsillitis and a slight fever, it’s very important to arrange their diet properly. Here are some suggestions:

  • Increase vegetables and fruits: Rich in vitamins, these can help boost the immune system and improve symptoms. When choosing fruits, avoid those that are too cold, opting for fruits like apples and kiwis that are neutral in nature.
  • Easy-to-digest and soft foods: The child’s regular diet should be easy to chew and swallow, so it’s recommended to focus on porridge and soft noodles.
  • Drink plenty of water: Ensure the child stays well-hydrated.
  • Avoid irritants: Reduce or avoid feeding the child foods like mutton and dog meat, which are considered irritants.
  • Prevent complications: Pediatric tonsillitis can lead to complications that affect a child’s health, so parents should help their child receive proper treatment and prevent possible complications.