
My 7-year-old baby occasionally shakes her head. Three weeks ago, she suffered from sinusitis and was hospitalized with a headache. She was discharged a week later. Now, about two weeks later, the baby has been occasionally shaking her head. I brought her to the pediatric department of the hospital today, and the doctor didn’t find anything wrong. They just prescribed some medication for her to take. The medication includes Guganxin Tablets, Sai Gengding Tablets, and five vitamins lysine.


Hello, based on your description, this may be related to chronic infections and physical weakness. It is recommended to take traditional Chinese medicine for opsonize and combine it with the use of Tianma Gelatin Capsules and acupuncture treatment. In terms of diet, it’s important to choose easily digestible and absorbable foods. Children have weaker physical resistance, so they are more prone to pediatric general surgery issues. As a parent, you shouldn’t be overly anxious. It’s important to take your child to a regular hospital for examination and treatment in a timely manner and follow the doctor’s instructions for medication.