
My daughter is 1 year and 4 months old. She has had a low fever of 37.1-37.4 degrees Celsius for three consecutive days, and she is able to eat, play, and sleep well. Her blood test shows normal white blood cells. What could be the cause, and what treatment methods are recommended? Thank you.


Normal body temperature fluctuates throughout the day, usually reaching its peak around 3 pm, which can be as high as 37.3 degrees Celsius. Therefore, if the baby’s temperature rises temporarily after waking up in the afternoon without any other discomfort, it may be a normal phenomenon. However, if you are concerned about your baby’s health, it is recommended to monitor closely and consult a doctor in a timely manner. If the baby is diagnosed with a respiratory system infection, treatment may be required in collaboration with the doctor, including the use of antibiotics and medications to relieve respiratory symptoms. At the same time, pay attention to your baby’s diet and hygiene habits, avoiding irritating and cold foods.