
How to treat and prevent asthma attacks?


Asthma treatments are mainly categorized into three types:

  1. Bronchodilators: Such as β2-agonists, which increase the cAMP content within the airways, relaxing the bronchial smooth muscles.
  2. Anticholinergic drugs: By inhibiting phosphodiesterase and antagonizing adenosine receptors, they enhance the airway cilia clearance function and anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Anticholinergic agents: Like ipratropium bromide, which reduces vagal nerve excitability and dilates the bronchi. Corticosteroids are the most effective medications for controlling asthma at present. Additionally, identifying and avoiding triggers such as allergens, infections, climate changes, and improper medication are crucial for preventing asthma attacks. Lifestyle management, including avoiding triggers, healthy eating, moderate exercise, and adhering to the doctor’s treatment plan, all contribute to asthma control.