
My 3-year-old daughter just started kindergarten, and she’s been experiencing some pain in her ear lately. The earwax is yellow, there’s a buzzing sound in her ear, and she has a low-grade fever. How should I treat her for earache due to pediatric otitis media?


Generally, it is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions to administer anti-inflammatory medication to the child. It may be necessary to perform a bacterial culture of the ear secretions and use anti-inflammatory ear drops based on the results. If the ear pain is severe, consider giving painkillers as needed. If fever is present, fever-reducing medication can be taken. In case of high fever, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly. If an eardrum perforation occurs, timely medical treatment and surgery should be sought. At the same time, pay attention to giving light meals and enhancing nutritional supplementation to promote recovery.