My baby is six months old. They don’t take naps during the day, with a total of no more than three hours a day, waking up frequently. They are also very energetic after waking up. They also have restless sleep at night, waking up roughly every one and a half hours. They haven’t taken many naps since birth. What’s going on here? What should I do?
Based on your description, your baby, now six months old, has a limited sleep schedule and may be experiencing a deficiency in trace elements. It is recommended that you visit a regular maternal and child health care center’s pediatric department for a detailed check-up of trace elements and bone density, regularly supplement vitamin AD drops, and supplement calcium carbonate granules based on the bone density situation. These are the suggestions for the question ‘My baby is six months old and doesn’t take naps during the day.’ I hope this helps you, and wish you health!