
Yesterday, my facial paralysis recurred. I feel my eyebrows and mouth corners can’t lift. The right side is the worst, and I can’t express myself clearly. Today, I went to the hospital. The doctor said it couldn’t be cured immediately. I’m worried and can’t completely recover. So I want to ask, what methods can completely cure facial paralysis?


Facial paralysis is a common condition characterized by disorders in the movement of facial expression muscles. Symptoms typically include facial paralysis, which generally is not affected by age. Basic facial movements like raising eyebrows, closing eyes, and pouting are often difficult to perform. Acupuncture and facial massage in traditional Chinese medicine have shown significant effects. The recurrence of facial paralysis is most likely triggered by experiences during tryouts or conditions of cold and windy weather. These peripheral facial paralysis issues are easily manageable in the acute phase. Many neurotrophic drugs and acupuncture should be used to help stabilize symptoms. After a period of time, usually around two weeks, symptoms will gradually subside. According to your description, the sooner treatment for facial nerve palsy is received, the better. Late-stage treatment may lead to neural abscesses, making complete recovery difficult.