
How long after the onset of hand, foot, and mouth disease is it no longer contagious?


Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a contagious illness caused by enteroviruses, which spreads rapidly and is prone to outbreaks, particularly during the summer and autumn seasons. It commonly affects children under the age of 5. Generally, if there are no complications, the prognosis is good, with most patients recovering within a week. Treatment primarily focuses on symptom relief. Firstly, isolate the child, then treat the symptoms accordingly. Ensure proper oral care, keep clothes and bedding clean and frequently changed. In addition to trimming the baby’s nails, you can apply calamine lotion. For babies with rashes on the buttocks, ensure they are kept clean and dry. They can also take antiviral medications and herbal remedies for clearing heat and detoxifying. It’s best to wait a week before interacting with other children to prevent any potential risks. Meanwhile, at home, make sure to keep the windows open for ventilation, remind children to wash their hands before meals and after using the toilet, and ensure they get enough vitamins and drink plenty of warm water.