
What are the early symptoms of glaucoma? There is eye pain, and the vision is a bit blurred. No treatment has been sought. I want to know how you got glaucoma? Here I expect your assistance, to help detailed professionals explain this disease and how to treat it well. Thank you!!!!!!!!


If glaucoma is treated in time and the correct treatment method is determined, there is still a good chance of recovery. Glaucoma is an eye disease that develops quickly, has serious consequences, and can cause permanent blindness. Due to intermittent or sustained drops in intraocular pressure, the optic nerve is damaged, leading to nerve atrophy, constriction of the field of vision, and vision impairment. Please go to a local regular three-level hospital for a thorough examination. After confirming the cause of the disease, the doctor will treat according to the symptoms, making the treatment more effective and more reasonable in terms of cost. Treatment at some small clinics may lead to more serious conditions.