
What are the symptoms of rickets?


Rickets is mainly caused by spleen and stomach dysfunction, poor refining, vitamin D deficiency, and an inability to absorb calcium. The condition usually begins to appear in infants about three months after birth. Initial symptoms include night terrors, excessive sweating, nighttime irritability, loss of appetite, delayed teething, and thinning hair. Severe skeletal deformities such as a bulging skull and O- or X-shaped legs may also occur. To prevent and treat rickets in children, the following must be done: (1) Promote scientific infant feeding methods, including breastfeeding. After weaning, we should eat easy-to-digest food and food rich in vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus and protein (egg, liver, milk, fish, meat, etc.). (2) Parents should take their children outdoors for sun exposure to obtain vitamin D. It is estimated that two hours of sun exposure for children can promote the production of vitamin D in the skin.