
Bilateral optic nerve atrophy with vision around 0.05 and peripheral field damage. Diagnosed with optic nerve atrophy at the age of 13, but vision has been poor since childhood. There are signs of hereditary transmission across generations. Concerned help: These days, I want to see Dr. Wei Qiping, and I want to ask about the days and hospitals where Dr. Wei Qiping is on clinic?


Optic nerve atrophy refers to a degenerative inflammatory condition of the optic nerve, leading to a whitening of the optic disc and manifesting as significant vision loss and a reduction in visual field. Clinically, it is categorized into primary and secondary types based on the etiology, nature of inflammation, and appearance of the optic disc. Lesions of the optic nerve often extend beyond the eye, or may be caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain, or by other diseases in the body. Treatment for such diseases is based on pathological treatment, and currently, traditional Chinese medicine is considered the most effective due to its small toxicity and side effects, as it can adjust pathologically effectively. Additionally, in daily life, attention should be paid to adjusting diet, reducing intake of spicy and irritative food.