
I’ve been like this for many years. I’ve had a bad relationship with my dad since I was little, often arguing and fighting with him. I find him annoying and frustrating. My dad is short-tempered and stubborn, often scolding my mom over trivial matters. All three of my brothers have this problem too. We are all introverted, don’t like to talk, and are quite dumb. I’m the same way; my thinking is very slow, and my memory is terrible. I also have a lot of dandruff, and my kidney Qi is seriously deficient. I don’t know what to do? I’m only 20 years old, and I have white hair on both sides of my head as well as at the back. My hair is oily and dry and yellowish. What should I do?


Consider that the electrolyte imbalance may be causing this issue. During this period, it is necessary to use sulfur-based scalp cream to wash your hair, and at the same time, use the Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill for nourishment. In addition, during the treatment period, apart from taking medication, the patient’s diet and mental state are also particularly important. The patient must avoid excessive mental stress and anxiety to prevent unnecessary effects on the recovery of the illness. Currently, related treatments can be carried out in regular medical institutions.