
I have a congenital preauricular fistula and occasionally experience an itchy sensation, along with the discharge of yellowish-white secretion when pressed, accompanied by some odor. I am now 19 years old and have had this issue since childhood. I want to know if it’s possible to resolve this problem without undergoing surgery?


Congenital preauricular fistula is caused by an abnormality in embryonic development and typically presents with symptoms such as itching, secretion, and unpleasant odors. Conservative treatment often has limited effectiveness, and most cases ultimately require surgical intervention. For asymptomatic patients, surgery may not be necessary, but for those with symptoms like yours, it is recommended to undergo surgery. During daily care, it is important to prevent water from entering the opening of the preauricular fistula during bathing or shampooing, avoid squeezing it at will, and maintain dryness and cleanliness in the affected area.