
My father has been working in the fields in the countryside, and his hands were large to begin with. Recently, he mentioned that his finger joints have been getting larger and feel hard when touched. Initially, I thought he was joking, as people doing agricultural work often have that. But later, he mentioned that the swelling area has become increasingly painful, and now he can no longer lift tools like shovels. It was then that I realized the seriousness of the problem. I took him to the nearby hospital for a check-up, and the doctor suspected it might be osteochondrosis. Doctor, how should osteochondrosis be treated?


The dynamic balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts in the human body does not lead to osteochondrosis. However, if the kidney health is not good, it can cause osteoclasts to exceed osteoblasts, resulting in dissolved bone not being metabolized and accumulated in tendons, thereby causing osteochondrosis. It is recommended to take 3 bottles of Liuwei Dihuang Wan and 3 bottles of Pizhizhuang Wan monthly, while also swallowing a sufficient amount of ground white mustard seed powder. Consume this for 21 days a month, and for the remaining 9 days, take Xiaohuofan Wan and Fuling Yixue Gao. This therapy may make osteoblasts exceed osteoclasts, potentially improving osteochondrosis gradually. After one year of medication, the effects can be observed.