
What are the treatment methods for pediatric enuresis?


The treatment of pediatric enuresis follows the principles of benefiting the kidneys and strengthening the brain in traditional Chinese medicine, with proper medication often yielding good results. I have three formulas that have been used and proven effective, hoping to alleviate the physical and psychological suffering of enuretic children and their parents. Formula 1: Astragalus 15 grams, Rubus fruticosus 15 grams, Codonopsis 20 grams, Alisma 10 grams, Lonicera japonica 10 grams, Alpinia oxyphylla 10 grams, and Mulberry Seed 10 grams. Preparation and usage: Decocted in water, one dose per day, taken in two servings. Formula 2: Vitis trifolia and Alpinia oxyphylla in equal amounts. Grind into fine powder and mix with yam powder to make pills. Take 12g to 18g daily, divided into two servings. Formula 3: White fungus in sufficient quantity, Alpinia oxyphylla 6 grams, and one egg. Preparation and usage: Grind the medicine into a fine powder, make a small hole in the egg and add the powder, boil until cooked. Take two eggs daily, divided into two servings.