
How to train children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?


For children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), parents can adopt some strategies to help them better manage their behavior and emotions. Firstly, parents should collaborate with the child’s doctor or a professional therapist to develop a behavioral management plan tailored to the child’s needs. This may include reward systems, time management skills, and training methods for concentration. Additionally, parents should create a structured and stable environment for the child to better adapt and control their behavior. For example, they can establish fixed schedules, set clear rules and boundaries, and provide a quiet space for studying and playing. Art and creative activities have also been proven to help ADHD children improve focus and concentration. For instance, activities like drawing, music, or dance can help children express their emotions while also enhancing their focus and hand-eye coordination. Parents can encourage their children to participate in these activities and accompany them in the process of creation. It is important to note that corporal punishment is not an effective method for solving behavioral problems in ADHD children; it may instead lead to more negative consequences. When children exhibit aggressive behavior, parents should seek other positive ways to guide and educate them, such as calmly explaining the consequences of their actions or finding the root of the problem through conversation and communication. In summary, training ADHD children requires patience, understanding, and professional guidance. The joint efforts of parents and medical professionals can provide the necessary support for children to grow up and develop healthily.