
A 7-year-old girl has recently been experiencing a sore throat, severe cough, and persistent high fever. Her parents are wondering what dietary precautions should be taken when a child has tonsillitis and a fever.


When a child has tonsillitis and a fever, there are several dietary precautions to consider:

  • Seek medical attention and treatment for the child promptly.
  • Encourage the consumption of vegetables and fruits: These are rich in various nutrients that can boost the child’s immunity. When choosing fruits, avoid those that are too cold, opting for neutral fruits like apples and kiwis.
  • Provide easily digestible foods: Cook congee or soft noodles for the child to facilitate digestion and absorption.
  • Avoid irritating food: Spices like chili and pepper, as well as allergenic substances, are not recommended during the illness.
  • Cultivate good eating habits: Help the child develop regular meal times, proper chewing, and a non-picky eating pattern.