
The baby always likes to lift their head and turn from side to side, sometimes as if they are focusing on looking at the ceiling. When we talk to them, they occasionally look back at us and make cooing sounds in response, but most of the time, they don’t respond. Is this normal?


Hello! Based on your description, the baby should be around three months old. For a three-month-old baby, it’s not normal for them to turn their heads in response to their parents’ calls, as this age group hasn’t yet developed a response to their parents’ names. It’s usually not until around five or six months that babies start to respond to sounds and turn their heads to find the source. It’s normal for your baby to have a response to sounds now, such as stopping an action or looking intently for a moment. Parents should talk to the baby more often to get them accustomed to their parents’ calls. When the baby is awake, hold them more often with their face forward, which can broaden their field of vision. Don’t always keep the baby lying down; this helps with the baby’s head control and visual development.